
2017年4月13-14日:The Third International Forum on Cathode & Anode Materials for Advanced Batteries



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  The Third International Forum on Cathode & Anode Materials

for Advanced Batteries 

Date: April 13-14, 2017 (Registration date: April 12, 2017) 

Place: Shangri-La hotel, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, China 


Forum sponsor: China Industrial Association of Power Sources 

Special sponsor: Ningbo Science & Technology Bureau 

Organizer: Ningbo Institute of Industrial Technology, Chinese 

Academy of Sciences & Beijing SinoCoat International Convention and Exhibition Co., Ltd. 


The First Announcement 

  The Second International Forum on Cathode & Anode Materials for Advanced Batterieswas successfully held on April 22-24,2015, which there were more than 700 participants joining and the Forum and for the first time the implementation of the posters and outstanding youth poster papers awards were organized by China Industrial Association of Power Sources (CIAPS). After the Forum, CIAPS has received a lot of highly comments on the Forum, from those participants from domestic and abroad, since then. 

  Based on the decision made by the Director board of CIAPS, a bi-annual conference for battery materials shall be held in the year when CIBF is not held. We now formally announce to prepare “The Third International Forum on Cathode and Anode Materials for Advanced Batteries”, which will be held on April 13-14, 2017 (Registration date: April 12, 2017) 

  At present, we would make our first announcement to let all specialists, scientists, professors, technical staffs and Ph.D/Mater students in battery related fields as well as battery material & equipment suppliers, etc. from domestic or/and abroad paying much attention to the Forum that you can early make your 2017 schedule for attending such a Forum. 

  Among those, we would expect that you or/and your organizations could submit or/and recommend some high level papers which show significant innovation achievements, in the early next year; prepare to join our sponsorship or direct apply a booth and prepare all related matters, such as travel & meeting expenses, etc. for attending the Forum.  

  CIAPS organized The International Conference on the Frontier of Advanced Batteries, CIBF2016 (May 20-22, Shenzhen, China) and The second HEV Market & Advanced Battery Technology Development Seminar (Oct. 13-14, Hangzhou, China), respectively. Obviously, Lithium ion battery market shows the fast expansion in recent years, globally. In particularly, not only IT battery market is still growing strongly, but xEV & BESS battery market is growing steadily. Among those, China's electric vehicle market is the sudden emergence of dominance. Published data show that whole sales of new energy vehicles reached 330 hundred sets and sales of Li ion batteries for EV & PHEV and for energy storage applications reached 32 billion & 2.5 billion Chinese Yuan, respectively in 2015, based on strong encouraging policies supported by Chinese government. Furthermore, there were totally production of 320 hundred sets new energy vehicles in the first 9 months, 2017 and is 93% increase than that in the same period of 2015. In correspondence of this, battery technology improvement and innovation are still in the progress. In particularly, due to progress of some key material R & D and mass production, such as LCO operated at a higher voltage; high content Ni NMC and NCA and Si/C based negative material, etc. as well as application of some special functionary materials, such as graphene, modified conductive carbon, new type of binder, etc.  

  Year of 2016 is stating year of the 13th five Chinese national plan, many new national projects or programs are set & carried on at present, based on implementation request of Chinesere lated Chinese government agencies, such as Ministry of Science & Technology, Ministry of Information Industry, The national development and reform commission, etc. Among those, as a major common key technology, contents of Li ion battery with high safe & high specific energy includes R & D of higher specific capacity cathode materials, C/alloy type of negative materials, high safe separator materials and functional electrolyte materials, etc. that can be used for developing advanced battery with specific energy of 300Wh/kg, cycle life of 1500 times, cost down to 0.8 Chinese Yuan/Wh and safety meeting national standard. Besides, manufacturing capability shall reach 100 million PCs/year. Obviously from above, R & D of cathode & anode materials with high performance & low cost are key factors.  

  Furthermore, for R & D of Li air, Li/S with target of 500 Wh/kg and Na ion battery system with low cost, the cathode & anode materials (including active materials & functional additive materials both) shall be as a key technology to be developed. In order to promote & speed up battery technology & battery Industry innovation & fast development to meet next generation battery request of IT, EV and BESS, CIAPS decide to organize “The Third International Forum on Cathode & Anode Materials for Advanced Batteries” on April 12-13, 2017 in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, China and the Forum will be arranged accordingly as below: 

  1Main exchange contents 

  1New type cathode materials 

  1) Cathode materials with high performance & low cost for Li ion battery 

   Latest progress on R & D and production as well as application of NMC & NCA with higher Ni contents 

   Latest progress on R & D and production as well as application of Olivine structure cathode materials (including hybrid or composite materials) 

   Latest progress on R & D and preparation/modification as well as application evaluation of new cathode materials with high voltage or/and high specific capacity (such as Li reach Mn base materials, etc.) 

   Latest progress on performance enhanced, cost reduced and application validated commercially available cathode materials for LIB 

   R & D progress on new cathode materials with more than two Li ion intercalation or multiple valence ion intercalation mechanism 

  2Latest progress on practical Li air & Li/S battery technology and relative new cathode material exploring as well as related reaction mechanism 

  3Latest progress on practical Na ion battery technology and relative new cathode material exploring 

  4Latest progress on exploring other new types of cathode materials, such as positive materials for magnesium ion cells, etc. 

  2New Type Anode materials 

  1Latest progress on R & D and production as well as application of Si base anode materials 

  2Latest progress on performance enhanced, cost reduced and application validated carbon type of anode materials for LIB 

  3Latest progress on performance enhanced, cost reduced and application validated LTO type of negative materials for LIB 

  4Latest progress on rechargeability improvement and practical application of metal Li 

  5Latest progress on R & D of Na ion intercalation anode materials and application evaluation in Na ion battery 

  6Latest progress on R & D of multiple valence Mg ion materials, etc. 

  3Electrode material additives, such as Conductive & binder materials, etc. 

  1) Latest progress on preparation, characteristics or behavior and application evaluation of graphene, nano carbon tube, etc. 

  2)  Latest progress on R & D and application of function exploring & application evaluation of various types of carbon materials as conductive additives. 

  3) Latest progress on R & D and application of new binders, in particularly for Si/Canode 

  4Other related topics, including: 

  1) Market view on the advanced batteries and the related cathode and anode materials 

  2) Degradation analysis on present materials in IT and EV cells after a long term storage or cycling

  3) New material investigation & evaluation methods, such as high through put or the genome methods, modeling & simulation, new instrumentations for precise analysis, etc. 

  2Technical Committee of the Forum 


  Chen Liquan: Academician, the Chinese Academy of Engineering 

  Liu Xingjiang: Vice Chief Engineer, Tianjin Institute of Power Sources

  Chief Expert, China Electronic Technology Group Company 

  Zhang Zhengming: CTO/VP, Celgard, USA 

  Yang Xiaoqing: Chief Researcher, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA 

  Cui Ping: Director, Ningbo Institute of Industrial Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences  

  Li Guohua: Vice General Manager, Sony Chinese Research Institute, Sony Corporation, Japan 

  Wang Jiqiang: Senior Consultant, China Industrial Association of Power Sources 

  3The general arrangement of the Forum 

  1) The Forum will be reserved within two & a half day 

  2) Oral session will be reserved within two days 

  3) Poster paper session will also be reserved within two days and The second youth best paper award” will also be arranged. 

  4A technical visit will be reserved in last a half day 

  5) Both English & Chinese will be used in the presentations, the simultaneous interpretation will be arranged for the audience

  4Call for papers 

  1Oral presentation 

  1) Specially invited

  2) Specially recommended and confirmed by the Technical Committee 

  3) Selected from papers submitted. Extra papers arranged for poster Presentations, as confirmed by the Technical Committee; hence, paper submissions are particularly welcome 

  2paper submission and oral presentation recommendation 

  1) For paper submission: one title & a short abstract (no longer than one page by every author, with name & position 

  2) For oral recommendation, special field & main achievement with name, position, country and contact email address by recommend person (Recommended candidates can be both at home & abroad) 

  3Dead line of paper submission and oral recommendation 

  1) Deadline of oral presentation recommendation: no later than Jan. 20, 2017 (Abroad) and Jan. 30, 2017 (Domestic) 

  2) Deadline of paper submission: no later than Feb. 15, 2017 

  The Forum would welcome paper submission by specialists, scientists, professors & graduate students and technical personnel, who engaged in R & D, production & application, market investigator, etc. of battery & battery related fields at home & abroad. In particularly, all graduated students engaging in R & D cathode & anode and above mentioned functionary materials from domestic and abroad are warmly welcome to submit poster papers and join our awarding program!

  5Registration fee & conditions 

  1Registration fee: 

  1) Normal registration fee: 400 USD per person paid before March 15, 2017 

  2) Registration fee for Graduate students: 260USD/person, before March 15, 2017; As an incentive, 200USD/person for those students submitted papers which accepted by Technical Committee of the Forum

  3) For the payment after early registration deadline: 450USD/person for normal registers and 300USD/person for graduate students 

  2Right shared by registers: 

  Following conditions shared by every formal register: 

  1) Conference material sand the meeting badge and small gifts (if any), provided by the Forum 

  2) Coffee and the refreshments provided during tea break period 

  3) Lunch & dinner provided by the Forum 

  4) Attending Meeting & discussion as well as all other activities arranged by the Forum 

  5) Possibly received the Forum opening meeting materials after the Forum 

  3Payment method 

  Following bank information for your money transfer from your Bank: 

  Account Name: Beijing Sino Coat International Convention and Exhibition Co., Ltd. 

  Account Number: 01090376000120105069706 



  6Sponsorship to the Forum 

  In order to make a good Forum, welcome relative enterprises & organizations to make sponsorship to the Forum. In this case, the Forum will provide various different space & chance for propaganda of companies & organizations and their products, etc.  

  Please contact the Forum organizer for more detail information Welcome members of CIAPS and specialists, scientists, professors & graduate students and technical personnel as well as investors in battery & battery related material fields at home & abroad to join our preparation work,. 

  Also we are looking forward to meeting you in April, 2017, in one of the most beautiful city, Hangzhou, Zhejiang. China 

Contact organizer 

  Direct contact person: Mr. Shao Jie 

  Mobile: 86-13810805119 


Attachment 1: Delegate Registration Form

Attachment 2: Sponsorship Package